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Have you ever tried asking your grandparents
what were their grandparents called?
Or when were they born and what did they do in their life?
Unfortunately memories fade over time... even the most important ones lose details over the years and one forgets what the great-great-grandfather was called.
To make the memory of a person indelible over time, A Memory Forever offers the Memory Page, an innovative way to freeze the information entered over time, thanks to the fact that the Memory Page has no expiration.
Memory Page example 1 - Memory Page example 2
Some possible graphic combinations:
What does this symbol in the A Memory Forever logo represents? |
This symbol represents an embellished version of the infinity symbol ∞.
It was included in the logo because it represents the memories that will remain forever over time, thanks to the Memory Pages that do not expire. |
What does a "A Memory Forever" offers?
- A Memory Page private, customizable, sober and elegant to remember loved ones
- No advertising on the page, maximum seriousness and respect
- Extensive customization with over 70 backgrounds, color combinations, marble effects, wood and decorative images, even non-religious ones
- No deadline, no renewal: a presence forever li >
- Possibility to make the page public and visible to all or only to a group of people
- E-mail notices to remember birth and death anniversaries
- Visitors can leave memories and virtual gifts (if you decide to enable the option)
- Direct access to your loved one's page through www.unricordopersempre.com/surname-name*
The page will remain always active, making the memory of your loved one immortal
*If not already assigned to others, for example in the case of homonymy, otherwise it is possible to choose a personalized access address (for example surname-first name-year of birth)
The Memory Page is a tribute to the memory of a missing person.
In addition to the date of birth and death, it is also possible to specify the place.
There is a part where you can write a short description of the person life. what is considered most important or characterizing.
You can enter the main events that have marked the life of your loved one.
Creating a photo gallery allows you to keep the memory alive.
Other relatives and / or friends can leave a gift and write a thought, a memory.
It is possible to request a link to others Memory Pages of relatives. The Remembrance Page is hosted on the “unricordopersempre.com” site while the content is managed directly by the person who created the page, usually a relative or friend who wants to honor the memory of a deceased loved one. No, each Memory Page can be customized in the following components:
- page background, among over 70 images and colors available
- any religious or atheist decoration among the over 80 available
- color of the graphic and any style (marble, wood)
- main photo of the deceased loved one
- gallery of related photos with short description
- possible random combination: background, decorations and graphics change each time the page will be reloaded
- possible relationship connection with other Memory Pages
You can decide whether to make the Memory Page visible:
- only to those who know the web address
- only to certain subscribers to the unricordopersempre.com site
- only to those registered on the unricordopersempre.com site li >
- to all
In addition it is possible to specify that the Memory Page is not found by search engines (google, bing, ...) You can choose to give everyone the option to leave memories and gifts or limit the option to only some members of the site, specifying their e-mail address.
In any case, before the comment is published on the page it must be authorized by the manager of the Memory Page. (an e-mail alert will alert you to any new memory addressed to your loved one) With all possible delicacy, given the topic, the possibility is proposed to set up your future Memory Page and leave messages that will appear on that page at certain deadlines after your departure. You can create the Memory Page from your personal area, after registering on the site. The Memory Page has no cost, has no expiry date and does not need to be renewed.
If you want to contribute to A Memory Forever you can make a donation . The unricordopersempre.com site is managed by the company LGmedia which undertakes to keep the site active in the years to come, also through the possible collaboration, in case of unforeseen events, with companies operating in the IT and communications sector.
A Memory Forever is free, has no advertising, if you want to support the project you can make a donation with Paypal and credit cards: